A sincere thank-you from M4M to all our supporters buying the MOVE music collection online at iTunes and other digital retailers. The sales have been great and we are so pleased that many of you are making the move to all-digital with us!
With such a great response, talk of MOVEvol.2 has now re-started. The next collection may be a mini-set of pieces composed in "odd meters"; 5s, 7s, 9s, etc. Look for it in 2010!
CDs still available:
We have some stock of original MOVE CDs available for mail-order. If you would like to order a copy they are $20/each including shipping:
Canadian customers may send $20CDN per disc, USA and International customers please send $20USD per disc.
Please email Chris Cawthray direct to order: chris@chriscawthray.com and he will send you a PayPal invoice.